
Dance Your Way to Delivery: 10 Ideas to Induce Labour Naturally

I remember those final week well, I was so desperate for labour to start I’d try anything to get things going! While there is no scientific evidence to back most of these methods, some have been used for centuries, and some are somewhat logical! Of course do listen to your body and don’t do anything that doesn’t feel good for you. Here are ten surprising methods that some people have tried to induce labour...

5 Self Care Tips While you Wait for Induction

The waiting time I’m referring to is the time between accepting induction and going into the appointment when they start the process. For some it’s just a short period, and induction happens straight away, but for others it’s days or even weeks. That time can be emotional. It’s normal to question your decision, to feel frustrated with your body for not going into labour, or frustrated by a medial reason you need induction.  I...

A Positive Obstetric Cholestasis Induction

This lovely story was sent to me from a lady who wanted to share her story with you all but remain anonymous. As the name of this website would suggest, I love to hear all about positive induction stories, and I’m so glad to be able to share yet another inspiring story with you to help reduce the fear and stigma that goes with the word “induction”. Grab a cuppa and read on… I...

Reflexology – Natural Induction of Labour

I’ve heard many people say that reflexology helped them go into labour, there seems to be plenty of anecdotal evidence around, but no proper clinical trials. I’m personally still a big fan and always recommend you give it a go if it sounds appealing (and not just because I’m a reflexologist!), I think it’s a great preparation for all types of birth, because I am a big believer in the power of relaxation! But...