
Bethany’s Positive Induction Story

After 41 weeks of pregnancy I was offered an induction. There were many factors that lead to me making this choice. But I must stress that it was a choice. Luna is my first baby and I had dreams and plans of how I would give birth naturally in my own home or in a midwife led unit. But that did not turn out to be my reality but that doesn’t mean that my...

Amy’s Positive Induction Story

My first birth was better than I could have expected, after some initial nervousness I took a hypnobirthing course and religiously listened to my affirmations and relaxation tracks. I believe this all helped me to have the quick, relatively painless birth I was lucky enough to experience. Nearly two years later and with my second pregnancy, suspected growth restriction was picked up at 34 weeks and quickly the talk turned to inductions at 37...

Zoe’s Positive Induction

My first birth was spontaneous and our daughter was born at 42 wks plus one day. Birth had started in the early hours before the day we were due to be induced for post-dates however it was a long birth and she arrived at 42 wks exactly it was a pretty traumatic birth experience and I was keen to avoid that second time. 4 years later and we didn’t share our due date, I...

Positive Induction - Eleonor's Story

Eleanor’s Story

My first birth was long and traumatic with lots of unplanned intervention and ended with an epidural and forceps delivery due to shoulder dystocia (where the baby’s head is born but the shoulder gets stuck) and my baby was very big (9lb 8oz). I was under consultant care second time around as baby was also presenting as big on growth scans and risk of shoulder dystocia is higher with bigger babies. I was advised...