
Positive Induction Podcast – Episode 2 – Kirsty’s Hypnobirthing Induction Story

Kirsty’s Positive Induction Story In the second episode of the Positive Induction Podcast I invited Kirsty along to talk about her second birth. Kirsty’s birth story was one of the first stories in our story library here, and it’s still one of the most read. You can read Kirsty’s story here: https://positiveinduction.com/kirstys-story/  And find out about our online hypnobirthing for induction course here: https://positiveinduction.com/course   Transcript (Note this may contain errors as it’s automatically...

Jackie’s Induction Story

Hi All! I just wanted to share my complicated but positive induction story. This was my 4th baby (all inductions) and was scheduled for induction 2/1 at 39w but our little man had other plans.   It all started Friday 1/15 when I had my 36w appointment to do the GBS test and growth scan, baby boy was measuring at 8lb 10oz (give or take 1.5 lbs) and I was dilated to 1cm, 50%...

Marie’s Rainbow Baby Induction Story

I’m 45 my son is my 5th baby, I have a 28, 25, 24 and 23 yr old, so there is a big age gap, my son is my rainbow baby after 3 losses and 22 years trying to conceive, my son was born at 37+4 on 12th September 2021 at 5.29am weighing 6lb 13oz after 13 hours of labour. I had a perfect pregnancy with no problems all the way through, from my...

Leah’s Positive Induction Story

I was booked in for an induction due to my baby slowing in growth and recurrent reduced movements. I went in for my induction at 1pm on 5/6/2021. I went with the cook balloon method for my induction. After monitoring and preparation the balloon was fitted at around 3pm. Soon after I began to get cramping as if it was doing something so had to lay down. I had 10ml taken out of the...

Cassie’s Induction Story

I had originally planned to wait for labor to begin naturally, but after some concerns that my doctor shared following an ultrasound at 37 weeks, we decided to opt for induction at 39 weeks. It took me a few days to come to terms with this change and accept that labor was going to look different than I had anticipated. We were put on standby but hoped to be called in on Wednesday evening...

Faith’s Positive Story

It was our turn on the 30th April! After losing our little boy last year at 37 weeks we were induced with our little girl at 36+5. I went into hospital for 9:30am and had the pessary put in at 1pm as I had to get antibiotics on board for strep b. I was already 1cm dilated but my cervix was posterior. By 9pm I started labouring and was 2cm. By 10pm they broke...

Megan’s Induction due to Gestational Hypertension

I wanted to share my induction story! I was to be induced at 37 weeks due to gestational hypertension & some non reactive NST. I went in the 20th at 8 pm and had my baby boy April 21st at 6:32. Let’s just say I was terrified to be induced. They started cytotec at 12 am April 21st. My baby didn’t respond well to the medicine & they were talking about c-section but my...

A Long but Positive Induction

I had a super straight forward pregnancy and was due to expect my little boy on the 23rd June 2019. I didn’t get my hopes up too much as I had read it’s very common to go over due with your first baby. Tuesday the 2nd of July, still no baby. My midwife team called and said they would like to start the induction process and would I be able to make it to...

A Cholestasis Positive Induction Story

My first induction happened to be the birth of my fourth child. I was diagnosed with Cholestasis (ICP) at 34 weeks and my planned home birth turned into a planned hospital induction at 37 weeks. I wasn’t dilated only 1cm upon starting Cervidal, but after a couple hours I started having regular contractions and had to make an effort to breathe through them. After about 4 hours, my water broke and trickled with most...

Holly’s Induction Story

I was induced at 37+2 weeks with non identical twins following a string of complications – high blood pressure and IGUR (Intrauterine growth restriction) with twin 1. This was during a global pandemic and our hospital was Covid positive with strict visiting guidelines. My induction was brought forward after another hospital admission with high blood pressure that they could not bring down and keep under control with medical intervention. I was induced using the...

Natalie’s Story

Before I start with my birth story, there may be parts that don’t seem particularly ‘positive’. HOWEVER- I have nothing but positive feelings and memories for my labour and birth. I felt safe, in control, listened to, cared for, cared about. I felt absolutely like I was in the right place, doing the right thing and in the right hands. It’s long so apologies. Early into the pregnancy with my first baby, I was...