
Claire’s Induction due to Primary Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS)

I found out I was pregnant on the 1st January 2018 and I went into a tail spin, this was right on the back of a miscarriage (my third) in late October 2017 and I was petrified.  I had tests done at the time and I had an appointment with the miscarriage specialist from Dr Grey’s Hospital in Elgin on the 10th January.  When we went in I was advised I had tested positive...

Lois’ Positive Induction Story in Covid Pandemic

Long story… I want to start by thanking this group of Mama’s for all your positive induction stories, without this group I honestly don’t think I would have had such an empowering and positive induction experience! We found out we were pregnant just before the first lockdown in March after returning from travelling the world for 6 months prior and we were so excited! I suffered extreme morning sickness for the first 13 weeks...

Aberdeen Labour Ward

Induction Help – I Wanted to Give Birth in the Midwife Unit

One of the common stresses when deciding on induction is the change in environment from where you would originally give birth. When you plan to give birth in a midwife led unit, you usually sign up for a less clinical environment; a more relaxing decor, dim lights, birth stools, maybe even a birth pool. It can be hard when you’ve visualised you birth in this environment to consider the labour ward. The image below...

Help – my Partner has to go Home During my Induction!

Although there is generally a move towards finding ways to have birth partners stay during all of the induction process, the reality is that in some areas women spend some of the time during induction on their own at night. This is usually the case early on in the process, generally by the time you’re in established labour you would be together. Why is it beneficial to be together? I want to talk about...

Louise Positive Induction Story

Louise’s Story

Induction,Hypnosis and Orgasms: Our daughter’s birth story As a Hypnobirthing instructor I had all the tools I needed to ensure my baby had the right birth on the day, yet I still hadn’t prepared myself for the possibility that I might not get the birth I had been imagining. So let me tell you about my induction for birth, how self hypnosis prepared me and how euphoric my baby’s birth was. My first pregnancy...

5 Things to do during a ‘Boring’ Induction

It’s not uncommon for induction to take a while to get started, especially if your body isn’t showing any sign of things starting up beforehand or if you’ve not reached your due date yet. Although things can start up quickly, many mums find themselves with what they describe as a rather boring day or two waiting for induction to kick in properly. So I wanted to share with you some things you can do...