Hospital Bag List for Induction

Hospital Bag List for Induction

I remember scouring the internet for every available hospital bag list to make sure I didn’t miss anything. I felt like it was a small way to take back control of my experience. If you’re doing the same, I want to reassure you that really you need very...
5 Self Care Tips While you Wait for Induction

5 Self Care Tips While you Wait for Induction

The waiting time I’m referring to is the time between accepting induction and going into the appointment when they start the process. For some it’s just a short period, and induction happens straight away, but for others it’s days or even weeks. That...
Daisy’s Induction due to high BP

Daisy’s Induction due to high BP

Hey everyone! I had an amazing experience and thought I’d share with you all. Here is my brand new Edie Rose, born on international women’s day (and her sisters birthday haha) I was induced yesterday with the pessary, at 11.30 am, at 40 weeks, due to...

What should I wear in labour?

  Today I want to answer one of the most common questions, what do I wear in labour?!  And as with many questions about birth, there’s no one right answer. In particular with induction, many people assume their only option is a hospital gown, but...