
Induction of Labour: How to Prepare Yourself Physically and Mentally

Induction of labour is a process in which contractions are artificially initiated before the onset of labour. It is a common practice that is usually carried out for medical reasons. If you are scheduled for induction of labour, it is important to prepare yourself mentally and physically for the process. Here are some tips to help you get ready: Make an Informed Choice: The most important thing you can do is to make your...

10 Questions to Ask Before Your Induction

  One of the common themes that comes up in The Positive Induction Podcast is having the confidence to ask questions, but what do you ask? Here are some ideas to get you started before your induction… Why is induction recommended? What are the risks to having the induction? What are the alterative options for you? What are the options for induction locally, what procedures will be available to me? Will you be able...

Zoe’s Positive Induction

My first birth was spontaneous and our daughter was born at 42 wks plus one day. Birth had started in the early hours before the day we were due to be induced for post-dates however it was a long birth and she arrived at 42 wks exactly it was a pretty traumatic birth experience and I was keen to avoid that second time. 4 years later and we didn’t share our due date, I...