5 Self Care Tips While you Wait for Induction

5 Self Care Tips While you Wait for Induction

The waiting time I’m referring to is the time between accepting induction and going into the appointment when they start the process. For some it’s just a short period, and induction happens straight away, but for others it’s days or even weeks. That...

What should I wear in labour?

  Today I want to answer one of the most common questions, what do I wear in labour?!  And as with many questions about birth, there’s no one right answer. In particular with induction, many people assume their only option is a hospital gown, but...
Affirmations for Induction

Affirmations for Induction

Affirmations are an important, and I believe, often underrated, part of hypnobirthing. They are a great way to deal with fears head on. There are three main rules for affirmations, they should be positive, present tense and personal. Often the third part is neglected,...
10 Questions to Ask Before Your Induction

10 Questions to Ask Before Your Induction

One of the common themes that comes up in The Positive Induction Podcast is having the confidence to ask questions, but what do you ask? Here are some ideas to get you started before your induction… Why is induction recommended? What are the risks to having the...
5 Tips to Prepare for a Positive Induction

5 Tips to Prepare for a Positive Induction

Let’s be honest, induction isn’t usually the first thing that comes to mind when people are thinking of their ideal birth, but in reality many of us end up here, trying to make our non-ideal scenario the best it can be. Series after series of One Born Every Minute...