Is There any Point to a Birth Plan?

Is There any Point to a Birth Plan?

Birth plans – they tend to divide people, some create detailed pages of information, preferences, for all the various options, they may even be colour coded with colourful sticky tabs for each option (ok, I admit it this is a confession, of my own first birth...
Reflexology – Natural Induction of Labour

Reflexology – Natural Induction of Labour

I’ve heard many people say that reflexology helped them go into labour, there seems to be plenty of anecdotal evidence around, but no proper clinical trials. I’m personally still a big fan and always recommend you give it a go if it sounds appealing (and...
Eleanor’s Story

Eleanor’s Story

My first birth was long and traumatic with lots of unplanned intervention and ended with an epidural and forceps delivery due to shoulder dystocia (where the baby’s head is born but the shoulder gets stuck) and my baby was very big (9lb 8oz). I was under consultant...