
Holly’s Induction Story

I was induced at 37+2 weeks with non identical twins following a string of complications – high blood pressure and IGUR (Intrauterine growth restriction) with twin 1. This was during a global pandemic and our hospital was Covid positive with strict visiting guidelines. My induction was brought forward after another hospital admission with high blood pressure that they could not bring down and keep under control with medical intervention. I was induced using the...

Kirsty’s Story

My second birth was a very different experience from my first birth. My first baby was born at 41.3 weeks. I expected that this pregnancy would be similar, however, I had an induction at 36+2 weeks due to intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). I had been monitored weekly from 32 weeks with doppler scans and ultrasounds. While they never commented on there being an issue with the cord blood flow, they were concerned that baby’s weight...

Natalie’s Story

Before I start with my birth story, there may be parts that don’t seem particularly ‘positive’. HOWEVER- I have nothing but positive feelings and memories for my labour and birth. I felt safe, in control, listened to, cared for, cared about. I felt absolutely like I was in the right place, doing the right thing and in the right hands. It’s long so apologies. Early into the pregnancy with my first baby, I was...