
Adrienn’s Induction Story

My waters broke early morning just before my due date. The colour was a nice clear pinkish one, so I went back to bed to relax and called the hospital. No contractions or anything similar followed and I got a little nervous about a possible induction coming. They quickly checked us in the hospital, Baby was absolutely fine on the ctg monitor but unfortunately my cervix was still closed. I was sent home and...

Tara’s Story – An Epic Induction Birth

We made the decision to induce at 38+2 after a continued drop in percentiles and some issues with my bp (Blood Pressure). I was under private care although was also seeing a private midwife separately because I was really chasing that midwife focused care. After lots of discussions back and forth, lots of questions, I felt confident that being induced was the right choice for us at that time. My OB never made me...