
“I’m facing induction” – On the importance of language

Today I wanted to bring your attention to a phrase that always makes me take notice, and it’s something I see almost every week in The Positive Induction Group, or in the Hypnobirthing groups I hang out in.

“I’m facing induction”

A simple comment really, but there’s more to notice here, the word facing suggests a few things may be going on…

  • This is going to be difficult
  • This is my only option

Perhaps you’re saying… “Why does it matter?” or  “Aren’t these things true?!”

Well let’s look at the first one – why does it matter? Mindset is not everything in birth, but it is an important component. As I say almost weekly to clients, having positive thoughts and reading positive stories won’t guarantee you a positive birth (how I wish it could!), BUT expecting it to be awful and going into your induction appointment filled with fear, stress and/or despair will impact your experience.

We need to be able to relax and feel comfortable for our birth to progress, our bodies do a very good job of keeping baby in when we feel stressed and uncomfortable in our surroundings {This is partly why hypnobirthing is amazing for induction do not throw it out when you choose this option!}

The second point, isn’t it true that this is going to be difficult, of course induction can be more challenging than spontaneous labour, but it isn’t always. Just a short browse through our positive stories shows that is can be positive and empowering.

In terms of this being your only option, that is almost never the case, and this matters too, taking ownership of this decision is one of the best things you can do. Induction may be the advised option but it is still your choice. I’m not suggesting you should choose an alternative, but recognising they exist can be empowering. You can wait or you can opt for a Caesarean birth instead. Sometimes just reminding yourself that you are choosing to be there, that this is an option you are owning, can have a massive impact on your mindset.

The language you use around birth matters, what you write and tell yourself about birth and induction matters, it’s easy to forget about the importance of these messages, they are stored in our mind and this information is used subconsciously when we’re in labour.

My challenge for you is to look at what you’re saying, writing and thinking when the topic of induction comes up and so notice where small change in language can make a difference.

I’m considering induction / I’m having an induction / I’m learning more about induction to make an informed choice etc.

How are you feeling about induction?

Remember if you need some help with mindset or adapting your hypnobirthing tools for induction you can take our Positive Induction Self Study Course or Book a hypnobirthing for induction session with me.