
Hypnobirthing for Induction – A Guide

One of the most common questions I hear from people preparing for induction is, can I still use hypnobirthing for induction? And the answer is definitely yes! If you’re preparing for, or considering an induction and wondering how Hypnobirthing can help, you’ve come to the right place! Below I’ve shared some options available to you, depending on whether you’re new to hypnobirthing, or are wondering how to convert your hypnobirthing techniques to work for you in induction.


A little background – My hypnobirthing for induction experience…

I’ve spoken about this quite a few times, but I feel it’s important to share again here, because you may be in a similar position. I did some amazing one to one hypnobirthing classes when I was pregnant with my first, I felt prepared and ready for my positive birth – I ‘knew’ induction was a terrible idea and would result in a long, scary, negative birth experience.(Clearly this is not generally the case, but at the time, hypnobirthing had a strong focus on avoiding induction).

The result was, when my blood pressure went up and refused to come back down, induction was looking like the best option, and I was devastated, because I felt like I had lost the possibility to have a positive birth experience.

However, I went on to discover that I could use many of the tools and techniques from hypnobirthing in labour and they helped me manage contractions well, feel more in control and have a positive labour.

I left that birth experience fuelled with the desire to help people prepare better for induction, for those who had made the decision to have an induction to have a place to come for inspiration and to change the way hypnobirthing was taught. To reassure people that hypnobirthing really can help you during your induction!

Today though I want to guide you towards the steps you can take to use the wonderful tools and techniques from hypnobirthing to have a more positive induction experience. Whether you’ve already taken a hypnobirthing course or not, see my tips below….



I’ve already taken a hypnobirthing course!

Firstly, awesome! You’ll already have some tools and techniques that you can use in labour:

  • Breathing techniques – all still powerful and important
  • Mindset work – Even more important now than ever before – *see notes below though. Affirmations can be a really positive part of induction, and are a great way to feel more confident.
  • Positions for labour – you may need to adapt these but the principles still apply – Upright, forward and open where possible!
  • Decision making  – one of the most important skills to have
  • Relaxation techniques – these are even more important in induction than in spontaneous labour
  • Hypnosis anchors you’ve been working with alone or with a partner (keywords, shoulder squeezes etc.)
  • Massage – that positive touch and connection and important, top up your own oxytocin

*Mindset – I want you to take a moment to reflect on whether you have a negative mindset around induction as I did. And whether you need to reframe this. As a hypnobirthing teacher myself, it’s important that we share that many people are having unnecessary inductions, and that many are coerced into having induction, AND we also need to be aware that for those choosing it we need positive support too.

If you feel you need assistance with mindset, you’d benefit from talking it through, doing some reframing work and fear release. You can get in touch with your hypnobirthing teacher or you can book a one to one session with me and I can help you reframe so you are as prepared as you possibly can be.

You might also find The Positive Induction Course useful, because it covers each stage of induction and hypnobirthing for induction, including positions for labour and birth and induction specific relaxation tracks.


I’ve not done any hypnobirthing yet!

If you’re approaching an induction and haven’t done any hypnobirthing yet, firstly don’t worry, there’s still time!

I truly believe that hypnobirthing is even more important for induction than it is for spontaneous labour. It can be so easy to get into patient mode and feel like you’ve lost control of your birth experience.

Hypnobirthing is important because it helps you take back control, it helps you find your confidence, and it gives you tools and techniques to empower you.

The Positive Induction Course is hypnobirthing for induction and you can complete the course in 3 hours, so even if you have in induction later today you can feel more prepared!


Hypnobirthing and Induction Birth Stories

If you need some inspiration or a wee confidence boost, have a read of some of the positive induction stories on this site where people used hypnobirthing.

Have a browse at the link above, or check out some of these:

Amy’s Positive Induction Story using Hypnobirthing

Megan’s Positive Hypnobirthing Induction Story


What questions do you have about hypnobirthing and induction? Leave them in the comments below.