In this episode I’m joined by Chantalle, who shares a positive induction story from Ayrshire, Scotland. During the Covid pandemic.

So get as comfy you can and enjoy.


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In this episode, I’m joined by Chantalle who shares a positive induction story from Ayrshire Scotland, which is from chewing the COVID pandemic. So cares come visa can add let’s begin. You’re listening to the positive induction podcast, a podcast for those who have chosen to have an induction, often those entrusted and how they can make induction a more positive experience. I’m your host,

Jade Gordon, clinical hypnotherapist hypnobirthing teacher, and positive induction coach. As always. I want to remind you positive breath means different things to different people. Take a moment to think about what it means to you. Maybe it means feeling more in control, being informed, being supported, and it doesn’t mean perfect. Birth really goes exactly to plan my aim here is to bring you tips,

inspiration and real life experience. So let’s get going. Oh, hi shutoff. Thank you so much for joining me. I am quite excited to hear your Barsotti given as a burst away from air share, which is where I was born. So it’s nice to feel like the strong connections still to Arusha. So it’s nice to have some one from my old local area on to share.

Thanks for joining me. When was your induction? So I always supposed to have joined that on the 27th of November. No, October, sorry, 27. Come until the 9th of November 20, 20 he’s 19 months now. Great. And of course that was right in the middle of a pandemic, wasn’t it? Yes, it was. So it was shaking the meds a little bit.

So nearly my whole pregnancy was then locked in and then my birth is, yeah. So that’s his own challenges for sure. There, I think for many years to come, will reflect back on, you know, the kind of special babies that were born during that time and how different it was. It was quite a fun thing to see us was new all day.

Like, oh, I was born during a pandemic, but yeah, no, it’s a fun. I’m going to show you in your own, in your face and extra challenges. And we’ll talk about that and putting like breath partners and stuff later, but tell me, and so towards the end of your pregnancy, you probably weren’t thinking that you’d be in juice.

Where are you when, when did that kind of topic come up? I thought it was going to go Airlie. I don’t know why. It just hadn’t never knew it was my first baby, but I just didn’t think I would go full term. And then I was hoping for a Halloween baby because he visited, it was late. Oh, surely have a Halloween baby had his eight football level with him for Halloween and then knew he was fairly late.

So as it got to my duty, they said, we’ll see what happens if this one’s looking good, he was engaged and there hoping that you would come soon, but they did tell me they wouldn’t be happy with me going over the tail of days. So we can, they had men for Memphis suite and I kinda had to ask for this week,

they’ve been chemo keen on given me one and it doesn’t go in an induction and a suite was like another, another 10th of having the baby naturally. So I had Ms. Sweet. She say at the cervix was spending that was on my Maui, but yeah, nothing happened. She did say she could feel his hate. So she was quite convinced that I was a baby really,

really soon, but I didn’t. So the tails days came round and they booked me in for an induction on the TLT 12 D so yeah, I ended up just come in, send induction and the end much to my dismay at the time, all sort of work date for the best in the end. So yeah. And that’s, that’s quite common.

Isn’t it like feeling that, oh, I really don’t want to do this. And then what helps you during that time when you had to say it, like, this is what it’s going to be, and I’m just really don’t want to do this. Like what helped you during that time? So I had done similar to you. I had done a hypnobirthing course with simply positive part,

that voice DeLeon and dude, in the course, you’d actually done a little bit on induction and that, I mean, but at the time thing cannot go, it’s not going to happen to me unless you bets. But at the same time, I was thinking not really didn’t want that to happen, but she just stayed that really, even if you add in Jace,

your positive burst can still happen. You still have to use all the same techniques and things. I’ve just learned that you’ve learned. So I wouldn’t tact each Jaylene when I same day I was having an induction. And she said, if you looked at your positive induction stories, go back and do that, just really focused on using everything that you’ve used,

but just transferred over to install the sweat debt onto Facebook, get positive induction stories. I mean, obviously induction stories. And I think catch a story. I was really upstate to begin with. Like you came home, had to be high. And I thought, there’s no way my cause I really wanted a pool bars. And I thought, there’s no way that’s going to happen because the more you ingest,

the less likely if that makes sense, that was going to happen. So yeah, I was really upstate, but then after speaking to deli and she said, you can still have that, that makes so happen. And all it might be is that you need some HDB push. He seems like he’s shady. And he may just need an extra push inject it.

I can see you going in and having one pace city. And that will be you and everything will go to plan. And that’s exactly what happened. That’s something where we can, when we can forecast these things. So well policy there’s no crystal ball. Sometimes it is nice. It feels like there is. And you say it’s really encouraging. You had those positive indications that something was happening.

Yeah. And I remember we were talking to him and I go, what happened that Kylie picking up the cat and be like this, the only part, the only thing there, holy listen to me, like what’s going on. I’m still frustrated with my body. And yeah. Like, it doesn’t feel good to go into that way. So it’s really good that you are able to put Jillian’s help,

like turn your mindset right before you actually in. So yeah. So when you, when you were having that discussion with you, did you get much information, did you know, can afford the options available to you where in terms of induction? So, yeah, sorry. Other had came and looked into it beforehand. And then when I got there and I had the discussion with my mother’s face to giving me a few options and I had just to see the base city booth,

the one that kind of excepted and beyond that in a hope that it wasn’t going to be Searchie much beyond that because it was hoping that we’d get one, a pasty aim and that would be enough. And I think that’s what maybe, maybe it was naive, but maybe that is what keeps me positive as well, because I really was, they’d say that was my next plan.

And that was just, that happened. So then you can just wave a spoiler. We used to be, no, we know what’s going to happen. So what did he went into your appointment? And then what day was that? Do you remember, which have been still trail stays after? Did you have like a time to go in or will you to phone in the morning?

I had to vote in the morning and they been giving me a slots when I fall. And then it was when I clock. So it was this thing I was to food it and I was going to be just in the Monday, never to be embarrassed. So Sunday night I phoned and she said, you have to come in at one o’clock to model when I called.

And because it was locked and my husband was able to come in and fund an ever. So they basically say he can come in, he can get you safe. And then he has to go, okay. And I was 1.5 centimeters dilated. And then he came and sat with me and then just had to go. And I was in a room of four people,

but everybody kept their curtains closed. So I just came away with this back to school and I came across close this veil. And that was me for the days of the night. I had just taken like daily. I would say, try to be as positive as you can just take everything that makes you happy and just being that team, doing what you can.

So, I mean, you’re a teacher, so I’d taken my yoga mat and I got some quite funny looks. And with my yoga mat am having a yoga mat and I took, and my favorite film set. I remember watching practical magic in the center. We can assess one of my favorite phones as well as we get home. Those were the two problems that I’ve watched and nothing was happening.

I didn’t feel really any Def jam. I was just quite happy to send an emoji on my things and my fins. And they would ask him for updates and everything. Mesa did my husband Jack back and forth. And then we had done it at five o’clock and at six o’clock, I was just really nearly sick. And it suddenly just turned. That was neat.

Six o’clock, something happens, started to feel a VBA unwell aim<inaudible> and had showed the match by mistake. They couldn’t confirm that it was my waters or not kids have been, but there wasn’t enough. So it was just to go back and see have a go on. And I was getting kind of regular checks, but nothing seemed to move him at all.

And then eight o’clock. It just suddenly really hit me. And I got contractions of being from Kennan, no contractions at all to really quickly delete quick contractions<inaudible>. So I was managing to kinda have a boutique at 30 seconds. The name starts in the game, I will say, oh, they offered me a bath in the bath, but it was just a really shallow bath.

And by this point I just couldn’t sit down. The only thing he was like, kind of arching my back and really pushing into my lower back by myself. But just suppose normally you have a tougher question partner there to do that in Spain. And then I came back to, it was getting to the point of really doing teens. I’d had no painkillers at all.

So I asked for something and they gave me pad to seek smoke. And on my birthing plan, I had stayed. Don’t offer me painkillers cause really want to take anything. And I think it was more just to be as pleasant as I could be in the bars. And my main from my mom’s scene at the time, don’t be the heat ocean tile.

Just take any painkillers that are offered in you, but I was really determined that didn’t want to have pain killers or would teach, would really be there for June, had been born. So had some padded seats molding and it doesn’t really make any difference. So I had asked to be checked and she was like, I think you’re failing. If you’re in Libra,

you’re at the really early stages of the lead by them saying, well, I really, really thank them for on than what you think. And they said, Nope, Nope. You just need to keep your going really avail, just get back on your yoga mat, do what you’re doing. And you’ll be absolutely fine. So she did come in and check on me a few times and she could see that I was really to the end pain.

Cause it just kept going for a few Evers. And by 11 o’clock I’d say, can someone please take me. It’s been a while since. And if these shaped me and I really had waned from contractions times, we will beat in down feeling. And I had to say to actually think he’s coming. Like, it might seem ridiculous, but I really think he’s coming.

I think I need to start fishing and my husband’s not here and I’m starting to really panic and be shaped cause fail. So I knew that I was supposed to have my antibiotic at four centimeters dilated as well, but I wasn’t given. So I have point I’m a senior really do we really want somebody to take me? So she stayed lie on the bed because they have to get your density,

all your tastes. So I said, I’m really sorry. I can’t lie on the bed. Is there any way you can do it stand? And so she managed place and did my takes and she said, okay, I finally raised your husbands. And I say these just 10 minutes in the car. Even if that we’re really lucky, we take those three,

the hospitalized. And she said, I need you to get them on the phone just because your baby’s coming. So it was 8.5 centimeters dilated sides. Can I must’ve wait really quickly. Those few hours, that point I started to get a weep upstate and I’ve seen, but really what my birthing pool. And she said, it’s okay to midwife led unit is available.

There’s an Oak Dale set in there, just a foot in them and we’ll see what they can do. So I managed to walk. I remember them saying, get all your stuff. Do you want to be able to hear? And I, I can’t sit down and I really can’t. I want to stand. So I managed to walk the whole,

we, I think I had to stop once or twice just for a couple of contractions. And I go into the leaf lead unit and they stayed for running. Your pool is so key. And I was like, can I please please get it? And they said, really what used to have that? We just need to see it run in. We can’t make it go any quicker.

So they gave me some gas and heat at that point. And that, I mean, there’d be enough on the bait, like facing the, of the bed. And then Jack came in and as soon as he came in and just kinda started to relax a bit more because he was there, it’s going with my baby. Then I was less than to all my aim recordings from DeLeon,

all the Hypnoparenting stuff and had me to playlist enough to thin I had movie stones with me. I had all my cards for us to have affirmation cards with me. So I was just trying to look at everything in depth and that could do, and then eventually my birth and was shady. So I go into the pool at<inaudible>. So that was about 11 half 11.

And it was only a bit, I never, by the time all that happened, they quickly got the antibiotics and to me and got me in the pill. And then June, I was born at half past one in the morning. So actually I was only in the pool for a bit. I never, I never done a half at the database the most.

So I only ever needed that when paced city aim. And I think that they didn’t give me any more because it was, there’s a certain time length of time. Isn’t there between, you know, the, be the first fund in the second fund. And I think it seems starting to move before the second front of Tappan. So I just remember being on the pill.

And then I was trying in the Metro. I could say that was actually there when you gave birth, because it was so beautiful. Everything just really kind of fell into the plan I’d always had in my head. And I think as soon as soon as I got in that Barson pill, everything just out baker and the bath, that’s my, go-to see when I’m stressed at anything.

I go into the bath aim as, and always makes me feel better. And I think just seeing Jack SPE and then been able to bend the bursts and people’s view and just, and just go back on track, if that makes sense, I was able to Ethan, they stayed up this time, the whole team, but I think interiorly, I’ve just starting to get,

we were stay state. And obviously no, because the birth still happened. It’s like when he was there, you felt you could, you were, you were okay. It was okay to come now. And he was going to mess it because the panic and the midwives, the, since we’re seeing, Hey, crack, these are going to be here to needs to be here.

And that panicked me sales. I think when I saw him and Jordan wasn’t here yet, I would say, he’s going to be here. Everything’s going to be low key. And yeah, we’ll need a member having to push a few times in the pool. I don’t actually remember. I suppose it does become a bit of a blur. It doesn’t take,

you are filming the table lever kind of bends and strange. I said most really just 10 seems to be really funny, but yeah, addition mean better getting to the point. And she said, you get one more, push you to be here. Just one, one more push and join us. And I had to like set in that kind of school because he was halfway.

She was like, when we’re patient who PA and I managed to capture them and lift them up by my sails. And I didn’t think he’d ever be able to do it was, it was, it was a really, really nice part. I think when people ask me about my bar and a state was a really nice bar or like how you can have bars be nice.

I use that word to describe your first. Actually I have to maybe enjoyable’s might maybe, maybe too in that. Definitely. I really nice. And it was, it wasn’t really even send the, and actually after the initial sort of funny, quite often, I talk about anchor using anchors. You already have like noticing war makes you relaxed enemy when you’re stressed that you see like a bath or you already have that association.

And it’s really important to use that for induction. If you’re having to prepare over a short period of time looking at what already helps you is really important. And you know, like water was lately to feel good because you’re used to that feeling, the feeling of getting in the pool when you’re in Libra is like nothing else. It’s like your whole body just relax.

So it left the contractions. Doesn’t tell you that. Absolutely. No. As intense when you’re in the water. And I think, let me the kids whale and just having the positive affirmations that like, when I was told I was having an induction, a fate like Omaha, Nebraska and stuff had to go to the window. Like, that’s me,

I’m not in control of anything anymore because they’re just say demand them having this baby. And actually it wasn’t that at all. I could still use everything that had been taught. It was just that he was giving us supposedly Keck and your body was almost ready. It wasn’t it. So yeah, that kind of nudge to get going. The negativity, debate induction as that,

all your body’s not ready. Your baby’s not ready is going to make it a much lengthier, much more painful expedience. And that wasn’t what happened to me at all. But I think that’s what was in me really. And I think that’s why he was so upset about it. But then when she told me actually during my<inaudible> to go, he’s just not making it<inaudible>.

And it was just that we take me yeah. Any extra push that you needed to go. Perfect. So I know your partner, wasn’t there for a lot of it. Thanks to quit, but how, how did they help you in terms of like before or during like a small bit at the end? So he was able to come to all of the costs.

It was on lane as well. The two of us were able to come to that really important for me. I’m really worth it for him. He understood what was happening. And that’s another thing again called Chloe was happy for us. And I believe when T tar just explaining anything that could happen. I want you to know every outcome of everything so that no matter what happened,

I was aware of what was happening. So like an emergency situation. I want you to know what was happening with him. And he wants you to see him. I think he went to deep, quite appeared and that seems, and I had made a few sessions about things like the pain relief. I didn’t really want pain relief. I had stayed that.

I knew what the options there. And I wanted to be able to see whether I want to pay annually for not, I didn’t want them to ask me. So Jack was the weight of that as well. Although they did say that he couldn’t really advocate for me. I had to state my sales. I would have to see by the note, cause I said,

Kim, Jack, not just see whether or not I’m going to. And they said no one that they usually have to see it, but he was there to help me as well. Yeah. I think just, I had made some decisions and I thought if he, he was able to back me up and Canaan remains me because obviously if you didn’t pay him,

sometimes you’re not going to meet the same sessions as you initially made. If that makes sense. And of course, it’s okay to change your mind as well. If you felt like you needed pain relief at any point, then that’s okay too. But yeah, like you said, it’s nice to have that conversation before and to know what’s some, for someone to understand what’s important to you to remain too in the moment,

isn’t it? Oh yeah, no, definitely. And he looked at my birth plan and stuff with me. So he<inaudible> had always said like, obviously I, what you want it to be safe. So whichever the safest option is for him, they just go with it. But just getting me to peer, to 50th in his whale and he’ll come me with my music and get enough to us and say up and just being there with the water,

like in pictures and stuff. And it was actually, and, and leave our industry coming to me that my body was shady for this. And he was kind of seeing, he looked at the positive affirmations as well. So he was able to see them to me, Wayne, move it out. And that sort of last season stuff that year, it was a shame because he missed so much or,

but nearly could have been done just to help presents my back. Just these be silly things. But at the same time, and I would have flaked on it and managed it myself and he would, might be a fail, like a spirit part for some of it. I mean, that’s really good to hear that you can do that. Like you can’t push into that part of your pelvis,

like upper pelvis or lower back. But yeah, obviously like in an ideal world, you would have a partner there to do that as well. But you see, like, you can be proud that you did all that part yourself. You managed to do that. Despite like being there yourself in the birthday wise, you mentioned like a few bits and pieces.

What were you actually, what tools and techniques were you drawing on when you were in Libra? Were you doing, were you using your breathing techniques or yoga breathing techniques or anything like that? Yes, I was using the<inaudible> your breath and they taught me. So it was then for food and eight for seven, which really helped. And it was today with the cat names,

exactly name, but they came thing. Israel, you been able to see like have only got so many anybody, this will contractions get me through. So that really helped me. And I think that’s what drew me to having to buy it in the first place specifically, because I knew how powerful the belief has to do yoga, but I’m sure I could use my faith to say,

oh, but that really helped me. So I guess the day the positive affirmations is way it would just repeat and that you knew my body could do this. And I think the one that kept seeing was empty single contractions bringing me closer to my baby. That was definitely helpful when they are, when I’m in projecting to me, is there a wind,

like you’re getting closer, you can close at you’re newly there, you can do this. And it was just that we are students as able to do the positive affirmations. And I think it was just the knowledge that Julien gave me as they left with him. She was just able to put me in a dually positive Mainsail, and I’m quite opposed to Pearson jadedly,

but it’s such a huge thing that at their tough days, and then with induction, that was another date, but it was just, it was a total main set tinge. And she helped me get into that possession. And it definitely was a hypnobirthing. I went to bed every single night, less than two the court. She say, if you listen to them,

when you’re just beginning to fall asleep, then they’re more likely to sort of go. And you’re more likely to remember them at that point of getting ready for sleep. So, yeah, they definitely helped as well. And I can remember myself repeating some of the things from them and my head. I was less than to them as they were generally, but a lone Westmeath aim with a music playlist as well.

So that definitely helped. Yeah. Super. Yeah. And actually they health and see with they, most of the work’s done before is that they kind of soaking up all stuff before. And even with induction, if you’re just hitting the breath thing a few days before, like, oh, the relaxation, drags and affirmations can still sell Canton, but of course longer that’s even better.

Okay. Yeah. So for anyone listening, who’s confronting induction in the next couple of days, what suggestions would you have for them? What last minute wisdom, which you like to share? And I kept just say, try to stay positive because it’s not the end of the WeDo. You can still have what we see a positive birth, even through induction.

You can still use all of the tools that you’ve learned. If you have, then have the burst in the bay, just continuing that positive mindset and trying to keep your positive hormones or your happy hormones go in. Cause that will definitely help you within your burst. And I think my theme is actually just going to have a BB Dooley student she’s due on the 30th of June.

And it just keeps seeing through that, no matter what happens, you’re still going to have this gorgeous OPB at the end of it. So just trying to keep that in your heads, but that is not, everything’s going to go to plan and it’s absolutely failing if not, everything goes to plan, but yeah, you’re still going to have the same,

same little baby at the end of it and everything will be worth it. And I think you do, you, you do forget they, after that, as I really nice thing to go through and really lovely expedience to do. Yeah. And I was actually looking forward to it. And just so kind of a moment that you’ve got now and then still kind of all those lovely first few days with your baby and it’s so true.

We often focus so much on breath that we forget. Like it’s nice to have that reminder of all my babies coming late with the affirmation you liked as well. It’s bringing you closer to baby because Sundays when you’re in it, like you’re so kind of focus on what’s happening now, are you forgetting like, you know, BV point of this? Yeah.

I really loved that. And finally, I’m in terms of positive induction, what was it about your birth that makes you describe it as a positive experience? I think because I did get my full birth in the end and that was really, really important. Yeah. And because I knew that was the place that I was going to completely relax and, you know,

be most with myself. So I would say that’s what made it positive. I think even though it was an COVID, but Jack was still able to get there for, you know, the, the main part for it from the Mets bites was amazing. That really did make me have a positive expedience as well. And I think perhaps I do always see that<inaudible> definitely helped.

My yoga definitely helped the day. It’s definitely helped. And yeah, I just think the whole, the whole thing was positive. I can’t really, even, I think can nationally, I’m happy to say that the induction part was the only negative part of it, but actually soon as of, as soon as it happened, as soon as such as Barth and reflate to doing it,

that was positive as well because that’s what my body needed. It just needed that weekend. So yeah. Everything about it was, it was that’s great. Right. That’s brilliant. Well, thanks so much for joining me. It’s really lovely to hear your story and I’ll share links to Jillian’s page and for anyone in the local area in earshot or classical,

who wants to find out more about that? Thanks so much for joining the city. Thank you again, Shantelle, for sharing your story with us today, I really do appreciate anyone who takes time to come here and share with us is so helpful and inspiring to others. If you’d like to share your story, do reach out to me. I just wanted to end as always with three things that stood out to me during this conversation.

Firstly, reading positive induction stories is a great way to help with main scent. And we have Lords on the positive website. So have a look at the show notes for details. Secondly, hypnobirthing is amazing for induction from making the decision to be induced or not to updating your birth preferences or plan to using the tools and techniques that you’ve already learnt.

Do reach out to your Hypnoparenting teacher for support, or if you’ve done an online course, or maybe you feel like you’re hitting a breastfeeding teacher is not very supportive of induction. Do reach out to me. I’m always happy to have a chat you’re hypnobirthing does not need to go out the window when you choose an induction. I actually believe that hypnobirthing is even more important when induction is concerned.

Thirdly, even if your birth partner isn’t able to be there for your birth, or can only be there for part of it, they can still be an important part of birth preparations supporting you during pregnancy attending classes with you. Of course, it can make such a positive difference to have them there with you, whether it’s helping you to sit water or being present.

So you can really relax and feel more at home. Thanks for listening. Head over to the show notes for this forward slash episodes 13, where you’ll find links to additional resources and a link to Jillian’s website. For those in the Glasgow area and trusted and hypnobirthing courses, you’ll also find our induction breast story library. And of course the positive induction course hypnobirthing course specially created for induction.

Thanks again for being here with me today. And as I say, Doobie, if you need anything, if you have any questions, you can find me on Instagram at positive induction or email me Jade, not positive I hope you have a lovely week.