It’s not uncommon for induction to take a while to get started, especially if your body isn’t showing any sign of things starting up beforehand or if you’ve not reached your due date yet. Although things can start up quickly, many mums find themselves with what they describe as a rather boring day or two waiting for induction to kick in properly.

So I wanted to share with you some things you can do to pass the time if you’re in this scenario:

1. Go for a walk

Spending days in a hospital ward isn’t anyone’s idea of fun, in some areas women do get to go home at this stage but in many places the policy is for mums to stay on the induction ward. Going for a walk is a fantastic way to remind yourself that normal life is still going on, and walking can help baby move down and start to encourage that cervix to open. If you can get out for some fresh air it can make you feel more energised too.

2. Listen to relaxation MP3s

Use the time to listen to hypnobirthing MP3s or meditation tracks such as those in the headspace app, especially if you’re feeling stressed or struggling to get some rest on a busy ward. Releasing fear you have associated with labour can help get your own hormones flowing too which is really useful.

3. Colouring In

Colouring is a great way to relax, colouring-in books for grown up and becoming more and more popular and are absolutely gorgeous. These colouring-in cards are also positive birth affirmation, perfect for preparing for an induction or during that pessary, waiting time.


4. Watch Something Funny or Romantic

Watching a funny film or box set you love or something romantic, which as well as passing the time, can help get your oxytocin flowing which is the most important hormone in labour.

5. Cuddle Up with Your Partner

Spending time with your significant other at this point can also get your hormones flowing, having a kiss and cuddle or just chatting and relaxing together can help get those hormones flowing.

What did you do to pass the time in the early phase or induction? Or did things happen quickly?