Leah’s Positive Induction Story

Leah’s Positive Induction Story

I was booked in for an induction due to my baby slowing in growth and recurrent reduced movements. I went in for my induction at 1pm on 5/6/2021. I went with the cook balloon method for my induction. After monitoring and preparation the balloon was fitted at around...
A Positive Unassisted Induction due to OC

A Positive Unassisted Induction due to OC

Hi! .. just here to share my positive induction experience. My pregnancy was great, I think I threw up once the whole pregnancy I was able to eat whatever I wanted. Roll to the 3rd trimester and my legs ankles and feet became VERY itchy. I was told I have OC which is...

Beth’s Induction

During my 3rd pregnancy our baby girls weight dropped below the 10th percentile meaning I needed to be induced. The induction was take place at 37+6 weeks via the Foley Balloon Catheter. So I went in at 9am on the 9th of February for the Balloon putting in place in my...
Selina’s Positive Induction Story

Selina’s Positive Induction Story

Thank you such Selina for sharing your Positive Story with us. [Trigger warning – contain: use of word contraction, third degree tear, mention of surgery] … I have been really inspired and drawn strength from the stories on this page and I’m excited...
Holly’s Induction Story

Holly’s Induction Story

I was induced at 37+2 weeks with non identical twins following a string of complications – high blood pressure and IGUR (Intrauterine growth restriction) with twin 1. This was during a global pandemic and our hospital was Covid positive with strict visiting...