Adrienn’s Induction Story

My waters broke early morning just before my due date. The colour was a nice clear pinkish one, so I went back to bed to relax and called the hospital. No contractions or anything similar followed and I got a little nervous about a possible induction coming. They...
What is Induction?

What is Induction?

What is induction? It’s talked about a lot, but we don’t often hear what it actually involves. I remember people telling me… “The don’t let you go past 41 weeks”, “You’ll have to be induced” and so on, neither or...
What is a Stretch and Sweep?

What is a Stretch and Sweep?

A stretch and sweep, sometimes called a sweep or membrane sweep, or stripping the membranes. This is usually the first part of induction, and you may need to make a choice about whether to have some in the weeks before your hospital induction appointment, you may be...