Leah’s Positive Induction Story

Leah’s Positive Induction Story

I was booked in for an induction due to my baby slowing in growth and recurrent reduced movements. I went in for my induction at 1pm on 5/6/2021. I went with the cook balloon method for my induction. After monitoring and preparation the balloon was fitted at around...
A Positive Unassisted Induction due to OC

A Positive Unassisted Induction due to OC

Hi! .. just here to share my positive induction experience. My pregnancy was great, I think I threw up once the whole pregnancy I was able to eat whatever I wanted. Roll to the 3rd trimester and my legs ankles and feet became VERY itchy. I was told I have OC which is...

Natasha’s Positive Induction Story

I was 37 weeks pregnant when I was told I should be induced at term because my baby was measuring big. I really didn’t want to be induced, I was so set on having as natural of an experience as possible with little to no intervention. I had at first declined for...
Melissa’s Story

Melissa’s Story

I was induced at 39w exactly due to gestational diabetes. I had been in hospital for 6 days prior so was taken from the ward to the birthing unit and monitored on the CTG before they inserted the hormonal tape at 10.30am after an internal showed I was about 2cm...