Tara’s Story – An Epic Induction Birth

Tara’s Story – An Epic Induction Birth

We made the decision to induce at 38+2 after a continued drop in percentiles and some issues with my bp (Blood Pressure). I was under private care although was also seeing a private midwife separately because I was really chasing that midwife focused care. After lots...
What is Induction?

What is Induction?

What is induction? It’s talked about a lot, but we don’t often hear what it actually involves. I remember people telling me… “The don’t let you go past 41 weeks”, “You’ll have to be induced” and so on, neither or...

Natasha’s Positive Induction Story

I was 37 weeks pregnant when I was told I should be induced at term because my baby was measuring big. I really didn’t want to be induced, I was so set on having as natural of an experience as possible with little to no intervention. I had at first declined for...

Beth’s Induction

During my 3rd pregnancy our baby girls weight dropped below the 10th percentile meaning I needed to be induced. The induction was take place at 37+6 weeks via the Foley Balloon Catheter. So I went in at 9am on the 9th of February for the Balloon putting in place in my...
Kayleigh’s Postive Induction Story

Kayleigh’s Postive Induction Story

 I spent a lot of my pregnancy worrying as I was told at 12 weeks that I had low Papp-a. This was something completely new to me, as my first pregnancy was straight forward (apart from resulting in a planned caesarean as baby girl was breech). Low Papp-a meant...