Faith’s Positive Story

Faith’s Positive Story

It was our turn on the 30th April! After losing our little boy last year at 37 weeks we were induced with our little girl at 36+5. I went into hospital for 9:30am and had the pessary put in at 1pm as I had to get antibiotics on board for strep b. I was already 1cm...
Kayleigh’s Postive Induction Story

Kayleigh’s Postive Induction Story

 I spent a lot of my pregnancy worrying as I was told at 12 weeks that I had low Papp-a. This was something completely new to me, as my first pregnancy was straight forward (apart from resulting in a planned caesarean as baby girl was breech). Low Papp-a meant...
Lois’ Positive Induction Story in Covid Pandemic

Lois’ Positive Induction Story in Covid Pandemic

My Birth Room Transformed Long story… I want to start by thanking this group of Mama’s for all your positive induction stories, without this group I honestly don’t think I would have had such an empowering and positive induction experience! We found out we were...
Selina’s Positive Induction Story

Selina’s Positive Induction Story

Thank you such Selina for sharing your Positive Story with us. [Trigger warning – contain: use of word contraction, third degree tear, mention of surgery] … I have been really inspired and drawn strength from the stories on this page and I’m excited...
Holly’s Induction Story

Holly’s Induction Story

I was induced at 37+2 weeks with non identical twins following a string of complications – high blood pressure and IGUR (Intrauterine growth restriction) with twin 1. This was during a global pandemic and our hospital was Covid positive with strict visiting...