Alice’s Positive Induction at 38 Weeks

Alice’s Positive Induction at 38 Weeks

I searched everywhere for positive induction stories and found a lot of horror stories. But I am delighted to say that I had the most positive experience, I couldn’t have asked for any better!   I went in on the Monday at 11am to start induction, I had been told...
What is Induction?

What is Induction?

What is induction? It’s talked about a lot, but we don’t often hear what it actually involves. I remember people telling me… “The don’t let you go past 41 weeks”, “You’ll have to be induced” and so on, neither or...
Leah’s Positive Induction Story

Leah’s Positive Induction Story

I was booked in for an induction due to my baby slowing in growth and recurrent reduced movements. I went in for my induction at 1pm on 5/6/2021. I went with the cook balloon method for my induction. After monitoring and preparation the balloon was fitted at around...