Kelly’s Amazing Induction

Kelly’s Amazing Induction

I had the most amazing induction ever when it got under way.Birth storyTrigger Talk of previous birth trauma.birth injury (not as bad as you think only to me dont worry !)Induced due to GD.On insulin no sliding scale needed!!! The birth itself was induction, it was...
Lois’ Positive Induction Story in Covid Pandemic

Lois’ Positive Induction Story in Covid Pandemic

My Birth Room Transformed Long story… I want to start by thanking this group of Mama’s for all your positive induction stories, without this group I honestly don’t think I would have had such an empowering and positive induction experience! We found out we were...
Is There any Point to a Birth Plan?

Is There any Point to a Birth Plan?

Birth plans – they tend to divide people, some create detailed pages of information, preferences, for all the various options, they may even be colour coded with colourful sticky tabs for each option (ok, I admit it this is a confession, of my own first birth...
Kirsty’s Story

Kirsty’s Story

My second birth was a very different experience from my first birth. My first baby was born at 41.3 weeks. I expected that this pregnancy would be similar, however, I had an induction at 36+2 weeks due to intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). I had been monitored...