Isobel’s Positive Induction Story

Isobel’s Positive Induction Story

My first baby was a spontaneous birth at 37 weeks in a birthing pool – pretty much a dream delivery so I was pretty devastated to learn that I had gestational diabetes and would most likely need to be induced this time around. I saw my midwife at 37 weeks and...
Suzanne’s Story

Suzanne’s Story

I am currently expecting my second child, I am a hypnobirthing practitioner (as well as an account manager for an education supply agency) and I want to share with you my positive induction birth story I had with my first and rainbow baby 4.5 years ago. I fell...
Eleanor’s Story

Eleanor’s Story

My first birth was long and traumatic with lots of unplanned intervention and ended with an epidural and forceps delivery due to shoulder dystocia (where the baby’s head is born but the shoulder gets stuck) and my baby was very big (9lb 8oz). I was under consultant...
Louise’s Story

Louise’s Story

Induction,Hypnosis and Orgasms: Our daughter’s birth story As a Hypnobirthing instructor I had all the tools I needed to ensure my baby had the right birth on the day, yet I still hadn’t prepared myself for the possibility that I might not get the birth I...