Hospital Bag List for Induction

Hospital Bag List for Induction

I remember scouring the internet for every available hospital bag list to make sure I didn’t miss anything. I felt like it was a small way to take back control of my experience. If you’re doing the same, I want to reassure you that really you need very...
Tara’s Story – An Epic Induction Birth

Tara’s Story – An Epic Induction Birth

We made the decision to induce at 38+2 after a continued drop in percentiles and some issues with my bp (Blood Pressure). I was under private care although was also seeing a private midwife separately because I was really chasing that midwife focused care. After lots...
Grace’s Empowering Induction

Grace’s Empowering Induction

My dd was 30th June 2021 with a planned home birth. At 4pm on 29th June 2021 I was sitting on the floor with my toddler and I felt the baby’s head push down inside me and break my waters. I ran to the loo and as I sat down an egg white substance fell onto the...
Leah’s Positive Induction Story

Leah’s Positive Induction Story

I was booked in for an induction due to my baby slowing in growth and recurrent reduced movements. I went in for my induction at 1pm on 5/6/2021. I went with the cook balloon method for my induction. After monitoring and preparation the balloon was fitted at around...