A Positive Unassisted Induction due to OC

A Positive Unassisted Induction due to OC

Hi! .. just here to share my positive induction experience. My pregnancy was great, I think I threw up once the whole pregnancy I was able to eat whatever I wanted. Roll to the 3rd trimester and my legs ankles and feet became VERY itchy. I was told I have OC which is...
A Positive Obstetric Cholestasis Induction

A Positive Obstetric Cholestasis Induction

This lovely story was sent to me from a lady who wanted to share her story with you all but remain anonymous. As the name of this website would suggest, I love to hear all about positive induction stories, and I’m so glad to be able to share yet another...
Katy’s Story: Eliza’s Birth

Katy’s Story: Eliza’s Birth

Hi everyone, I just thought I would share my pregnancy and birth story. I’ve written it mostly whilst feeding Eliza in the night and it’s been so lovely to get it all down. I never want to forget how amazing it all was! (Apologies, it’s a long one! But I wanted to...