My first child was born when I spontaneously went into labour at 30 + 5 weeks. It was a traumatic labour with multiple people in the room, it all felt out of my control and undignified. We spent 10 weeks in the neonatal unit but my daughter is thriving now. When I got pregnant 10 months later my main goal was to go to term term and try to claim back what I had lost during my first birth.

I developed gestational diabetes in my 2nd pregnancy as I did with my first. I was able to control all my blood sugars by diet alone apart from my morning fasting levels (which you have no control over) so I began taking the medication metformin when I was 32 weeks pregnant. I also had polyhydramnios (too much amniotic fluid). It was at this point that the consultant started talking about induction and without really discussing it with me booked me in to be induced at 37 weeks just because it was “hospital policy”.

For weeks I was unable to sleep and felt very anxious and out of control about the whole situation. A week before my induction I rang my midwife and explained my fears and that I didn’t feel ready and could I delay my induction. She was very supportive and as my diabetes was stable and well managed, my fluid levels had reduced to normal levels and baby was thriving she was happy to support me.

I then arranged for my induction to take place on the day before my due date, whilst I submitted to extra monitoring to ensure baby was safe. I slept like a log that night.

On the day of my induction I went into hospital at 1pm on the Friday and was put on monitoring. I was then examined and found to be 3cm dilated. They explained they couldn’t use the pessary and would have to break my waters. At 4pm my waters were broken and I was left to wander and bounce to see if labour would start. 3 hours later I had made no progress so was started on the hormone drip. The contractions started and were very manageable.

There was quite a lot of faff because for some reason the monitor belts that you wear just wouldn’t stay on me and kept flipping up, but I was able to ignore that and just do what I wanted!

At around 9pm the contractions started to get intense and I was in established labour. 2 paracetamol and 2 hours later at 11pm my little boy was born vaginally with no intervention or tearing. I suffered a small bleed after which stopped on it’s own.

Induction wasn’t what I wanted but I still managed to claim back my birth experience and I felt 100% in control and I look back now and am amazed at my body and what it can do.

I was so scared about induction because all I had heard was horror stories and how they were there for days and ended in emergency c section. Mine was 7 hours from start to finish.

That’s why I wanted to share my story, that induction might not be what you want but you can still be empowered and take control.