After my eldest was born at 42+4, I had an inkling that my next bubba would follow the same pattern, I wasn’t wrong!
After being in slow labour and my baby being back to back for 3 days my husband and I decided we’d go in for my waters to be broken when I was 42 weeks. We made our way to West Suffolk hospital and arranged for our doula to meet us there in a few hours (she’d already been an amazing help the previous day helping me crab walk up and down the stairs!)
After being shown into our room our lovely consultant explained what she was going to do and what if anything would happen after. I was surprised to find out I was 2cm dilated, that slow labour had been doing something!
We’d planned to go back home after my waters had been broken but because there was meconium we stayed in and if nothing happened we decided we’d try the syntocin drip.
After 3hrs and a few slight niggles we got settled down in our room, got some essential oils out and made it more ‘ours.’ Within an hour I was having surges that I needed to focus through and in 90mins I decided to use our TENS machine (heavenly invention!)
Even though I was using the CEFM and attached to the drip I still found it easy to move around and change positions. I was very adamant in my birth plan about being free to move around as with my firsts birth being stuck on the bed with a back to back baby definitely contributing to the difficult labour I had.
4 hours, a lot of hip squeezes and back rubs from our amazing doula later and I asked for an examination, I was so disappointed to find I was only 6cm dilated as I felt the pain was getting too much and I couldn’t deal with another few hours of this. My other half and doula were so encouraging at this point and told me to stay focused and calm. I changed position to leaning over the back of the bed which really took the pressure off my back.
At this point I felt the weirdest sensation ever as my baby corkscrew turned into an LOA position!
Not long after this, our doula noticed the noises I was making had changed and I’ll never forget her saying, “Rachael I can see your baby’s head!” At this point after 3 days in slow labour and 12hrs of being in hospital I felt a wave of energy come over me my baby was nearly here! The only way I can describe what my body did involuntary was it was like being sick but instead of the force going upwards it went downwards. 7 minutes of my body pushing on its own and my beautiful 9lb 6oz baby arrived! We had immediate skin to skin and initiated breastfeeding. My placenta was taking a while and my blood loss wasn’t easing so I agreed to having the syntometrine injection and a managed third stage. Placenta came away no problem (good job as I was having it encapsulation!) although the injection did make me quite nauseous for a while. I had a second degree tear which needed a few stitches which were done by my lovely midwife in the room.
We were both discharged 12hrs later as my little one needed obs because of the meconium present.
I was a bit apprehensive about being induced but after doing my own research and reading I was confident it was the right decision for me and my baby and it was such a positive and healing experience.