Hi! .. just here to share my positive induction experience.
My pregnancy was great, I think I threw up once the whole pregnancy I was able to eat whatever I wanted. Roll to the 3rd trimester and my legs ankles and feet became VERY itchy. I was told I have OC which is Obstetric cholestasis and I would be induced at no later than 38 weeks. I was always measuring small they did say I would have a small baby. So I went in at 37+2 feeling very positive very very nervous.
At 11am on Friday the 16th of April I had the 24 hour pessary inserted into the neck of my womb.. at that point I was already 1cm dilated with a cervix on the shorter side! So now we wait… I never let myself sit unless I needed too I was walking/swaying and bouncing on my ball constantly. At 5pm I went for a walk up and down the stairs that kickstarted my contractions they felt like tightenings at this point. By 7pm I was feeling contractions with slight pain. At 9pm I was having regular contractions minutes apart.. bearable.. the midwife didn’t believe me as being a first time mum inductions are generally a slow days long process! At 11pm I was put on the monitor to monitor baby and that’s when the midwife realised I was contracting for a minutes every 2 minutes! I continued to breath through all my contractions telling myself that “women do this everyday” and “our bodies were made to do this” all positive affirmations. I went for a bath at 1:30am to try and ease some of the pain which was getting more intense. I stayed in it for a hour breathing through the pain I was so relaxed. I got back in bed at half 2 and the pain was more intense so I asked for some paracetamol and codeine. My contractions began to get more intense but what seemed to be further apart. I must have fell asleep in a break in a contraction at 4am I was exhausted. I woke to what I can describe as a “punch” down below at 4:45am.. my waters had gone naturally! I quickly got the midwife and that is when the contractions really did start! I was 3cm when my waters broke and in half an hour to a hour I was 8cm telling the midwife I needed to push! I was quickly wheeled to delivery suite being told not to push! By the time I got onto the delivery bed I told the midwife who was going to deliver my baby I needed to push! She examined me and I was given the go ahead! At 6am I started pushing I was given gas and air and she arrived at 7:10am weighing 6 pound 1 with not even a graze! .. it was a very fast very positive labour.
She’s now 12 days old and I was back on my feet hours after birth.. what an amazing positive experience.