I was 37 weeks pregnant when I was told I should be induced at term because my baby was measuring big. I really didn’t want to be induced, I was so set on having as natural of an experience as possible with little to no intervention. I had at first declined for induction but after another growth scan and again my baby measuring 98th percentile I felt I should listen to my health professionals and so was then booked in at 40 weeks.

I was nervous and had a lot of anxiety leading up to the day but I decided I would still voice everything I wanted to the midwifes so they knew exactly the kind of experience I was wanting for my birth.  I originally wanted a water birth but if I had needed pitocin drip it would have not been possible. I also wanted a very calm dark environment with candles and beautiful music so my partner and midwife made sure that happened.

I went into hospital on the 03/04/2021 to start induction. I was checked and then given two options. The balloon catheter or the gel. My midwife advised that the balloon would probably be a better option for me as I really didn’t want drug intervention. I had the balloon inserted and was sent home for 12 hours to try to open my cervix. After 3 hours at home I started to bleed so was told to present back at hospital to be assessed. Everything was ok and it was just my cervix ripening so we then were put into a room to sleep for the night, until 6am when they would remove the catheter. At around 4:30am after a sleep I woke up to mild contractions. More of a painful period feeling and I could definitely walk and talk through them. My guess was that this was just the start or early labour signs. I was then taken to our birth suite where the catheter was removed and I was checked. I was already 6-7cm dilated! I couldn’t believe it! She then decided to break my waters and I was told I was able to have a few hours to see if labour would continue on its own otherwise they would need to start the drip. I was also told if I didn’t need the drip, I could utilise the birth pool and I couldn’t tell you how happy I was to be given that option to have the birth I wanted. I barely felt her break my waters as my baby’s head was so far down. I would say 1-2 minutes after my waters were broken the contractions came hard and fast. I decided to get on all fours on the bed with the back of it raised to lean over. This was the most comfortable position for me. By the time the birth pool was filled I was already pushing. It was the most intense thing I have ever been through but the most amazing at the same time. It was such a positive experience and I birthed my baby girl with only gas and air in a total of one hour. She was 9pound 10oz and I only had a very minor tear.

My first birth experience was very traumatic with a lot of intervention and I wasn’t induced so it really showed me how beautiful and positive of an experience it can be. You can have an amazing experience no matter how your baby comes into this world and I’m so happy how my baby’s birth turned out.