Before I start with my birth story, there may be parts that don’t seem particularly ‘positive’.

HOWEVER- I have nothing but positive feelings and memories for my labour and birth. I felt safe, in control, listened to, cared for, cared about. I felt absolutely like I was in the right place, doing the right thing and in the right hands.

It’s long so apologies.

Early into the pregnancy with my first baby, I was very keen for a homebirth. My partner was on board but as I have pre existing high blood pressure needing medication he was a little worried. After discussions with my community team (midwives and my consultant) we planned for homebirth and had really comprehensive plans in place for when it would be appropriate to transfer in etc. My wishes were always heard and we had meaningful discussions as a team.

The pregnancy was very straightforward, my blood pressure was better than pre pregnancy and baby’s growth was always bang on average.

I did struggle with pelvic girdle pain toward the end and needed crutches but that didn’t affect my feelings toward the forthcoming labour or birth. I had been practising hypnobirthing techniques (via books/cds) and had affirmations all over my house.

At term we attempted a sweep but my body was in no way ready so the midwife wasn’t able to do it.

My consultant had discussed induction with me a few weeks earlier and suggested Term +7 due to my history of hypertension. (This was before the protocol changed from induction at term +12). I was initially reluctant as there would be less time for my homebirth but after looking over the evidence I agreed.

I was admitted to Westburn Ward on the Friday afternoon and within an hour I’d had a CTG and had the first pessary (propess). My partner and I wondered about a bit and he left after dinner. I went to bed (in a six bedded room) but didn’t get a huge amount of sleep due to comings and goings in the ward. I bought earplugs for the second night and slept fine!

24hrs later there was no change in my cervix so I had the second pessary (prostin). I needed two doses of this.

To pass the time my partner took me out for lunch and dinner and we even visited my mums at one point!

Eventually on the Sunday evening I was taken to labour ward to have my waters broken- it was tricky for them to do and actually they went on their own when I sat up!

The labour started with the syntocinon drip and I dealt with the contractions well just breathing through. My midwife read my birth plan and even helped my partner stick up my affirmations all over the labour ward room. She brought through electric candles from the midwives unit, dimmed the lights and my other half put my essential oils all over the place.

I was encouraged to mobilise although I wasn’t keen – baby was back to back and the only way I was comfy was siting on a bedpan! After a while I had an epidural sited to try to deal with the urge to push (I was 3cm but his position was making me push). It worked and I dozed on and off.

I laboured through the night and at some point on Monday mid morning I was 9cm. I got stuck there and was taken to theatre (after a discussion with medical staff etc and at that point I felt this was the right decision).

When in theatre the consultant examined me and I was fully dilated- he gave me the option of using forceps to turn and deliver the baby, or the caesarian I had come to theatre for. I opted for forceps.

The epidural was topped up, all was very calm and I felt quite serene at that point . I remember them telling me the forceps were on and to push – this was very odd as i could feel nothing from the bump down. I told myself to push but honestly felt like I was doing nothing .

It surprised me greatly when after two pushes my baby’s head was born!

He was born and immediately shown to me, my partner announced it was a boy. He was taken to the resuscitaire next to me for a couple of moments until he cried then back to me for skin to skin.
I was utterly exhausted but completely elated and overjoyed. By the time we had gazed into our sons beautiful face and relished his first few moments, I had been stitched up and wheeled through to recovery.

Natalie - Skin to Skin Post Induction

He was born at 1357 on the Monday afternoon- on paper it was a very long haul but in all honesty it didn’t feel that way to me at the time.

I feel like I experienced so many of the things I was hoping to avoid- but at no point have I had any regrets.

I made each decision throughout the pregnancy and labour with support, information and confidence.
I felt no fear, no disappointment.
I was in wonder at what mine and my sons bodies did to birth him safely.
I would do it all again in a heartbeat and I think that is the greatest testimony.


{Do you have a story you’d like to share, you can submit your Positive Induction Story on this site}