I was induced at 39w exactly due to gestational diabetes. I had been in hospital for 6 days prior so was taken from the ward to the birthing unit and monitored on the CTG before they inserted the hormonal tape at 10.30am after an internal showed I was about 2cm dilated with a favourable cervix.

Tightenings started after lunch and another internal done at about 2.30 showed I was still only 2cm dilated but the gas n air was brought in for when I needed some pain relief.

The parents left the room to get coffee about 3.30 at which point I was using gas n air as contractions were stronger and coming on rapidly. Another internal was done during which my waters broke and I had dilated to 5cm so the tape was removed and my midwife was called to come in because I was in established labour.

From here on out it starts getting hazy but I think the parents got back before the midwife made it in and Dad was sent off to get baby’s clothes from out of their car.

My midwife showed up just after 4pm and at some point I told her it wasn’t long to go so she did another internal and found I was 8cm dilated with my cervix barely there. I don’t think Dad had made it back to the room yet.

From this point out I have no concept of time, just that the contractions were right on top of each other, people trying to say encouraging things to me and concentrating on breathing to try and reduce the pain and take in as much entonox as possible.

I told my midwife it was time to push and she coached me through baby crowning and with one contraction he was out!!

The Dad cut the chord and all 3 of them moved off to the side to get him cleaned up and weighed etc and I was checked for injuries but luckily didn’t even have grazing.

This is me and my partner (who was stuck in traffic and missed the birth) meeting our surrogate baby after the parents had their moment with him before they were transferred to the ward and I was discharged to go home.  I’m high as a kite in this pic lol… Still taking the gas for afterpains while waiting for the other pain relief to kick in