I wanted to share my induction story!
I was to be induced at 37 weeks due to gestational hypertension & some non reactive NST. I went in the 20th at 8 pm and had my baby boy April 21st at 6:32.
Let’s just say I was terrified to be induced. They started cytotec at 12 am April 21st. My baby didn’t respond well to the medicine & they were talking about c-section but my doctors really fought for me to be able to deliver vaginally. By morning they were able to insert the foley balloon & pitocin & tbh it was very painful but the bathtub did help.
My plan was no epidural but by the time I was 5 cm I was having insane back labor & I got the epidural. It was the best thing ever!! They then broke my water & shortly after getting my epidural my body was able to relax & I felt like I had to poo so bad, 10 mins later he was here I just wanted to say it’s all worth it in the end & even if you’re scared all the nurses & doctors have your best interest. I know it’s easy to say don’t be scared just go in with an open mind about it !