I had the most amazing induction ever when it got under way.
Birth story
Trigger Talk of previous birth trauma.
birth injury (not as bad as you think only to me dont worry !)
Induced due to GD.
On insulin no sliding scale needed!!!
The birth itself was induction, it was perfect better than my spontaneous.
I got taken to delivery suite. And met by a beautiful midwife named Meg. She had only been working there for 3 weeks.
I gave her my birth preference list, she went away read it. Told me to get showered etc. Anyway got showered freshened up and then eventually she came in and swept me, I was still 3cm. Soft and stretchy cervix. Bulging membranes.
She burst my waters.
She got me wireless monitoring.
I had the hormone drip.
Now my first birth was back to back labour and traumatic. This one was not back to back.
Anyway are you ready for this…..
Had gas and air and codeine my labour swung in at 1635. 27/4/21
He was born 2007. 27/4/21.
I was fully dilated to 10cm at 1840.
My husband was a AMAZING BIRTH PARTNER!!! he swung in spotted transition. I was begging for a epidural. And my husband was my advocate he requested I be checked she agreed. So off she went checking me and she said yes actually fully dilated yeah I did it on gas and air.
I never got bugged in labour got left alone she literally was pro women’s body and we take the lead !
No coached pushing. What so ever she kept shouting for me to push on my own accord when I felt it. Followed my body lead.
My first birth was awful 3rd degree tear and episiotomy they went over that area double checking NOTHING slight graze.
Hes had 2 boob feeds and 2 bottle feeds. He Passed 2 sugars. Hes sleeping perfect. Alternated between boobs and bottle all day perfectly fine.
However I have to have had a xray as I dislocated my hip in labour. And I am in a lot of pain. But so worth it !!
But 3 hours 32 minutes of active labour!
The contractions were fine I had back to back with my first baby which is all I had to compare it to. Labouring in the front was perfect. I sailed through it just danced with dance music on laughing and tell jokes to my husband. The contractions were nothing like my back to back labour even with the drip !!!
Now the pushing stage was another story .
But apart from the run up all was perfect in the labour.
Now I’m eating lots of biscuits.
He weighs 8lb 4oz.