I’m a bit late on the mark but it’s my due date tomorrow so I may aswell share how being induced went for us!! (Apologies for the essay )

I got induced at 37 weeks (April 8th) due to static growth, my cervix was right back & I wasn’t dilated at all. I had the first round of gel at 11pm, which began slight tightenings so they couldn’t do the second gel, at 5am I was given a cervical sweep instead. I was given my 2nd & 3rd gel at 11AM & 6PM that day, both of which had minimal effect. At around 11:30PM on the 9th I had my waters broken & was given the hormone drip as my cervix was still far back & bubba was not ready to come out. I had the pethadine injection along side an anti-sickness which (luckily) let me sleep through a lot of it.

Woke up around 6:30am on the 10th, woke my partner up to buzz for someone because I could feel he was on his way. Gas & air did nothing for me, pethadine wore off and it was too late for an epidural… 15 minutes of pushing and out he came.

The longest 3 days of my life & as much as I didn’t want to be induced I’m glad for the added support and monitoring there was as well as having the advantage of actually knowing when we’d be needing to be at hospital and such