I remember scouring the internet for every available hospital bag list to make sure I didn’t miss anything. I felt like it was a small way to take back control of my experience. If you’re doing the same, I want to reassure you that really you need very little, but here’s our complete list with some extras for induction. (You can download a printable birth bag list here)

The Admin / Essentials

A copy of your birth plan
Phone and charger
Any medication you take
Insurance and ID documents if needed (not required in the UK)


For Waiting for Induction to Get Going

Tablet with entertainment
Books, podcasts, magazines
Plenty of snacks and drinks
Eye mask (we love the ones that still allow you to open and close your eyes like the Manta Eye Masks)
Ear plugs (in case you’re in a busy ward)


To Help you in Labour

A peanut ball (here’s the one I used from Amazon)
A scent you enjoy, or that brings back happy memories
A fan / water spray
Headphones and relaxation tracks
A Bluetooth speaker
Flannel / Facecloth
Straws so you can sip easily between contractions
Snacks and drinks (yes this one is listed twice as snack are really important to me!)
A TENS Machine
Something homely (blanket from home, your partner’s hoodie etc.)
A hot water bottle (can be great relief for your lower back if you need it)
Massage oil


Labour and Ward Wear

Something comfy to wear in labour
Bikini top for the pool if it’s an option for you and you want to wear one
Flip flops
Cosy slippers
Warm socks
Pyjamas and a dressing gown



Toothbrush and toothpaste
Lip Balm
Shampoo and shower gel / soap
Hair brush, hair ties if needed
Glasses / contact lenses if you need them


For you after Baby Arrives

Extra PJs
Comfy clothes
Lots of big, comfy pants
Comfy Bras – if you’re planning to breastfeed bring feeding bras
Maternity pads
A little jug you can fill with water and pour over you as you wee


For Baby

Clothes – sleep suits and vests are perfect, bring a cardigan if it’s cold, and a hat if you want to use one
Nappies (reusable or disposable)
Cotton wool / wipes (reusable or disposable)
Cord tie (if using instead of a plastic cord clamp)
Car seat if you’re going home by car etc.


Maybe? (These are miscellaneousĀ things which are often available but do check with you hospital)

A regular birth ball


You can download a printable version of this list too to actually tick of as you pack!















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