I was told at 37+2 that I was to be induced at 37+6 as baby had a high heart rate, was looking as though he weighed 8lbs 4oz and had a large head. I was petrified! I had never heard of ‘induction’ before so didn’t know what to expect. The consultant told me it could take 4/5 days to work but it normally happens sooner. My induction was then brought forward and I was induced at 37+5. I was started around 3pm with the pessary which was to be left in for 24 hours, after 24 hours they removed the pessary and I started having contractions. The midwife told me if I carried on contracting I wouldn’t need the tablet but few hours later my contractions stopped so they inserted the tablet which could be left for 6 hours. Again, I started contracting so they didn’t put the 2nd tablet in straight away but then the contractions stopped and I had the 2nd tablet put in. The next morning I was checked and was 2cm dilated so they agreed to break my waters once a space on labour ward became available. My waters were broken around 11.45am and I was taken round to labour ward.
As soon as I was set up to the monitor I started feeling the need to push, the midwife told me to try and stop myself as I was only 2cm and if I carried on I could bruise my cervix. The midwife and doctor kept telling me I needed to have the hormone drip and epidural to stop me pushing but I politely declined. Fast forward to 3.30pm the midwife checked me again and I was 3cm dilated, I had been moving around a lot and the doctor said she wanted to put a clip on the baby head as we kept loosing his heart beat on the monitor. When the doctor came in to put the clip on his head, she told me to push next time I felt a contraction as I was 10cm dilated! The midwife couldn’t believe it as she had not long ago checked me and I was only 3cm! I pushed for around 20 minutes and my baby boy was born!
Throughout the whole labour I was thinking positive, remembering all I had learnt about hypnobirthing and it all went to plan. I had no pain relief and wasn’t in any pain at all! I ended up needing quite a few stitches & loosing some blood but I never would have guessed as I didn’t feel a thing! When anyone asks, I say I LOVED giving birth & can’t wait to do it again!
Best of luck to anyone going through the same thing & I wouldn’t hesitate to have another induction in the future!