It was our turn on the 30th April! After losing our little boy last year at 37 weeks we were induced with our little girl at 36+5.

I went into hospital for 9:30am and had the pessary put in at 1pm as I had to get antibiotics on board for strep b. I was already 1cm dilated but my cervix was posterior. By 9pm I started labouring and was 2cm. By 10pm they broke my waters. I underestimated the amount of pain being induced this way was because after losing my little boy we only had gas and air however once I went for the epidural it was a dream! Within 20 minutes of me having it my body relaxed, carried on labouring and she was here by 7:32am on the 1st May.

The induction process was amazing (other then my partner not being allowed until active labour) the midwives and the anesthetist were incredible and were so understanding of my worries!

Wishing everyone the best of luck with their inductions, I hope my journey can provide you with some hope, you can do this!!

Here is a picture of my 6lb 1 rainbow baby, Isla-May