Hey everyone! I had an amazing experience and thought I’d share with you all. Here is my brand new Edie Rose, born on international women’s day (and her sisters birthday haha)

I was induced yesterday with the pessary, at 11.30 am, at 40 weeks, due to having high BP and elevated ALTS. The pessary worked near enough straight away. Charlie my partner stayed with me all day as the tightenings got stronger. He had to leave me at 9pm due to the rules at my hospital. The contractions ramped up and I was worried he wouldn’t make it in time. I was then given cocodomal and oramorph, which didn’t touch the contractions. They were coming on very fast every 30 seconds lasting a minute or more each time, they gave me gas and air, then took it away after telling me I ‘wasn’t in active labor’ after me plugging it back in myself
and telling them I needed it they checked to find I was 4cm and told me to ring charlie ASAP to ensure he would make it on time to see his daughter born. This was around midnight. He got here and by 1.40am Edie was born. No intervention, no tares completely natural vaginal birth with a little tiny graze that needed no medical attention. My midwife was out of this world. She let me get on with it. Didn’t stress me out, told me our bodies were made for this. She kept me doing hypnobirthing techniques, a couple of times I lost myself and got a bit growly but she brought me back down and told me I was only gonna exhaust myself. Edie was born in one big push, as my contractions and breath work did all the work for me and bought her down. After 2 traumatic hospital births and my home birth being cancelled this was exactly what i needed. Edies birth has healed my trauma. And I was so scared of being induced as I had read so many horror stories about women begging for epidurals and ending in a csection. This birth was peaceful and powerful and I felt in complete control 99% of the time. Me and Edie worked together! I hope my story gives some reassurance to some women out there who are frightened by all the horror stories around induction. It doesn’t mean your experience will be bad.

Vaginally delivery
No epidural
No tares
And no medical intervention during the birth apart from a vaginal exam.
You got this ladies.
Lots of love Daisy & Edie xxx