Melissa’s Story

Melissa’s Story

I was induced at 39w exactly due to gestational diabetes. I had been in hospital for 6 days prior so was taken from the ward to the birthing unit and monitored on the CTG before they inserted the hormonal tape at 10.30am after an internal showed I was about 2cm...
Katie-Louise’s Story

Katie-Louise’s Story

I’m a bit late on the mark but it’s my due date tomorrow so I may aswell share how being induced went for us!! (Apologies for the essay ) I got induced at 37 weeks (April 8th) due to static growth, my cervix was right back & I wasn’t dilated at...
Kelly’s Amazing Induction

Kelly’s Amazing Induction

I had the most amazing induction ever when it got under way.Birth storyTrigger Talk of previous birth trauma.birth injury (not as bad as you think only to me dont worry !)Induced due to GD.On insulin no sliding scale needed!!! The birth itself was induction, it was...
Listen to your body

Listen to your body

At around 30 weeks I experienced itching in my arms, legs, feet and hands mainly at night. I put this down to hormone changes and tried to forget about it. It began to get worse just before 32 weeks I looked up online “itching in pregnancy” but could only really see...