Eleanor’s Story

Eleanor’s Story

My first birth was long and traumatic with lots of unplanned intervention and ended with an epidural and forceps delivery due to shoulder dystocia (where the baby’s head is born but the shoulder gets stuck) and my baby was very big (9lb 8oz). I was under consultant...
Kirsty’s Story

Kirsty’s Story

My second birth was a very different experience from my first birth. My first baby was born at 41.3 weeks. I expected that this pregnancy would be similar, however, I had an induction at 36+2 weeks due to intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). I had been monitored...
Louise’s Story

Louise’s Story

Induction,Hypnosis and Orgasms: Our daughter’s birth story As a Hypnobirthing instructor I had all the tools I needed to ensure my baby had the right birth on the day, yet I still hadn’t prepared myself for the possibility that I might not get the birth I...
5 Things to do during a ‘Boring’ Induction

5 Things to do during a ‘Boring’ Induction

It’s not uncommon for induction to take a while to get started, especially if your body isn’t showing any sign of things starting up beforehand or if you’ve not reached your due date yet. Although things can start up quickly, many mums find...
Natalie’s Story

Natalie’s Story

Before I start with my birth story, there may be parts that don’t seem particularly ‘positive’. HOWEVER- I have nothing but positive feelings and memories for my labour and birth. I felt safe, in control, listened to, cared for, cared about. I felt absolutely like I...
Megan’s Story: Otis’s Birth

Megan’s Story: Otis’s Birth

Our induction story begins on a Tuesday, when Otis (or Potato as he was then known) decided to stop wriggling around! It wasn’t the first time this pregnancy he had done it, so we popped along to the hospital again to be monitored. All looked well on the CTG but since...
What is a Positive Induction?

What is a Positive Induction?

Not long after I created the Positive Induction Facebook Group someone asked me what makes an induction positive? It’s a really important question to address here in the first blog post. Positive Induction is something that will vary from person to person, the...