I started the positive birth company early in pregnancy as I knew that hypnobirthing was something I really wanted to do. I also purchased the book to read too as sometimes things stick more when I read them!
I had a really straight forward pregnancy from the onset but fast forward to 28 weeks and the diagnosis of the GD things obvs changed. I knew I’d be induced and already got my head around the fact I might not be able to have that dream water birth I so longed for. I didn’t let that stop me though. I went over the induction part in course again and visioned what I would want my induction room to look like and smell like.
On the 14/07/2020 I went into Sailsbury hospital at around 4pm to start the induction process. I had already been in early labour for around a week prior to induction and had sweep on Sunday before. I was feeling extremely positive and calm which was amazing. I had my first examination and it was confirmed that they could just break my waters as I was already 3cm! This was music to my ears and such a joy. The hospital were extremely busy so I did have to sit in my room and wait for process to start. I watched game of thrones and listened to my spa music and affirmations. Fast forward……..
My partner arrived at hospital around 11:30 on the 14th July and at 23:45 my waters were finally broken!!! The surges I had been having in early labour quickly ramped up but was able to manage them through breathing. The surges then started to come thick and fast. I asked my partner to put my TENS machine on. This helped me so much!!! It allowed me to concentrate on breathing and helped me through surges. This is where things changed QUICKLY…….
At around 12:45am I knew things were changing and happening quick, I got on the bed on all fours (I was being monitored but luckily had mobile one make sure you ask if they have one if you need to be monitored but don’t want to be led down whole time). The midwife left the room for a short while and it was just me and my partner. I suddenly asked my partner to remove my pants as I needed to push, he remained calm, took off my pants, called for the midwife. It was 1:05 when I actually started actively pushing and my darling beautiful boy arrived at 1:17- I only pushed with my body for 10 mins! It was amazing. I allowed my body to do what it needed and just breathed with it. I had injection to pass placenta and had 2nd degree tear which required stitches ( this didn’t hurt) and then I just enjoyed the most precious times with my new baby boy and my amazing boyfriend.
Hope you all enjoyed reading.
Beth and baby Vinnie