During my 3rd pregnancy our baby girls weight dropped below the 10th percentile meaning I needed to be induced. The induction was take place at 37+6 weeks via the Foley Balloon Catheter. So I went in at 9am on the 9th of February for the Balloon putting in place in my cervix. The idea is for the balloon to mimic the babies head resulting in dilation of the cervix, the aim is to make the cervix open enough to have your waters broken (ARM).

Having the balloon fitted was a little uncomfortable but nothing too extreme. Luckily I was already 1-2cm dilated from a sweep I’d had a week earlier and due to the fact it was baby no3. Immediately afterwards I had some period like cramps and spotting. I was taken to the ward and admitted as I needed the induction as an impatient. Over the next few hours I had a lot of bloody shows and the period pains where a constant, very manageable with paracetamol.

Come 3pm, 6 hours later I went to loo and the balloon just fell out! I got examined by the midwife who confirmed I was now 3cm dilated and awaiting a bed on the labour suite for my waters breaking. I took the following hours as a chance to relax, read my magazines and compose myself ready for the birth. As the hours passed there was a few ladies with needs greater than mine for a bed on the labour suite before you knew it, it was midnight and I decided to get some sleep.

Then all of a sudden at 2am I woke up the contractions, every 10 minutes or so. It was soon 3:45am and I decided to ask for some paracetamol. So I set off the nurses station to be told the labour suite was ready for me and to pack my bags! It was time! I rang my partner and made my way to the labour ward. At 4:08am they broke my waters at 3cm dilated. I didn’t have gas and air, just breathed best I could through the procedure. In all honesty it was fine, not painful just strange it just felt like a warm trickle. Within minutes the contractions ramped up, they where thick and fast. With the help of gas and air, I managed to go from 3-10cm in 1 hour and 40 minutes! All of a sudden I had to urge to push and 6 pushes later our baby girl was born. At 6:02am weighing a perfect 6lbs.

If I were to have another child and need induction I’d do it in a heartbeat! The whole experience from start to finish was brilliant. It was quick and relatively painless compared to my two previous deliveries which where both spontaneous and horrific.

I hope this story helps someone out there as I researched a lot prior to the induction and struggled to find anyone in the same boat as I was. Keep going mamas, you’ve got this!