Affirmations for Induction

Affirmations for Induction

Affirmations are an important, and I believe, often underrated, part of hypnobirthing. They are a great way to deal with fears head on. There are three main rules for affirmations, they should be positive, present tense and personal. Often the third part is neglected,...

Adrienn’s Induction Story

My waters broke early morning just before my due date. The colour was a nice clear pinkish one, so I went back to bed to relax and called the hospital. No contractions or anything similar followed and I got a little nervous about a possible induction coming. They...
Tara’s Story – An Epic Induction Birth

Tara’s Story – An Epic Induction Birth

We made the decision to induce at 38+2 after a continued drop in percentiles and some issues with my bp (Blood Pressure). I was under private care although was also seeing a private midwife separately because I was really chasing that midwife focused care. After lots...