I searched everywhere for positive induction stories and found a lot of horror stories. But I am delighted to say that I had the most positive experience, I couldn’t have asked for any better!


I went in on the Monday at 11am to start induction, I had been told that due to having no sweep, being 38 weeks and a first time mum I might need the hormonal pessary because my cervix might not be favourable, however I was examined and the midwife was able to insert a balloon and said she would be surprised if it needed the full 24 hrs to get me to 4cm (I am so so sure that the dates and the raspberry leaf tea had something to do with this!!)

The midwife was right and after contracting all evening at home and managing to sleep till 7am the balloon fell out so we phoned the hospital!!!

We arrived on Labour ward at 12:15pm my partner Ryan and I were both calm and excited to dig into the snack bag and watch the Chris and Rosie Ramsey show that we had downloaded to our iPad!

I was told that straight after my waters were broken they would get me started on the drip however I asked to be given 2 hours to go for walks, relax and really get my oxytocin flowing before I got any through the drip! The midwife was more than happy for this and respected my birth preferences I had written up.

We spent the next two hours walking round the hospital grounds in my gown and fluffy slippers which got some funny looks but kept me chuckling and upbeat! After two hours was up I hadn’t had contractions just some period like cramps so the drip went on at 3:50pm. Levels 1-4 were spent bouncing on a ball and I was breathing through contractions and still chatting away whilst watching the comedy show, the midwives helped put on my tens machine which was my best friend during my entire labour! Would definitely recommend!


My contractions got to 5 in 10mins so instead of going from 4-8 like usual they only put the drip to 6. This ramped things up and I moved onto the bed as I was feeling lightheaded, I was supported by the midwives to stay upright and lean over the top of the bed whilst kneeling (they really paid attention to my birth preferences definitely bring them along!) at this point the ipad was put away as I wanted to focus, my partner was amazing offering me to look at the “happy photos” I’d printed out to boost oxytocin or put my playlists on that I spent hours making but I wanted quiet so I could listen to the beeping/humming machines and kept my eyes shut the whole time! I remained calm and kept doing my up breathing. the drip ended up being turned back down just before 6:30 because my contractions were coming thick and fast!

I had continuous monitoring the whole time which I was dreading but the midwives made sure I was very mobile so it didn’t bother me and I liked the reassurance that baby was fine.

I had been saving myself for the “good stuff” in terms of pain relief thinking I would work up to things so took some gas and air but found it affected my up breathing so ditched it fairly quickly.

Soon after my short stint with gas and air my body started involuntarily pushing so it was me and my tens machine!!

I started a very low moo/groan when I breathed out and I was still over the top of the bed at this point but babies heart rate was fluctuating quite a bit, it was suggested by a doctor that I move to my back which was my absolute last resort so I wasn’t keen, however the midwives advocated for me and we met in the middle with me on my side with a peanut ball, baby was still not happy so after trying both sides I agreed to move to a sitting position with the bottom of the bed removed.

It became clear baby nee


ded to be out sooner rather than later and an episiotomy was mentioned – the room had filled up with people but was still calm just focused.

The midwives began to help with some coached pushing – I wanted to avoid this but baby’s safety was the priority.

The mention of an episiotomy must have spurred me on and in a couple more pushes baby’s head was born along with one arm! The next contraction came and he was straight up on my chest crying – amazing!

I had an internal tear thanks to his hand being next to his head but no episiotomy!! My midwife had held a warm compress and protected my perineum which I was delighted at! We had delayed cord clamping and the injection for the placenta which came in 10 mins.

I had skin to skin for a couple hours and a double portion of tea and toast while I was stitched up. My biggest fear was tearing but I didn’t feel it at the time and the stitches were totally fine.

I was soon up and had the best shower and then moved up to the ward with baby Oliver for the night as it was now 1am!

We were home by lunchtime the next day as a family of three and only had 24hrs in hospital from start to finish!! It was amazing!

I was so apprehensive about being induced but I took control of the experience, remembered my breathing and kept reminding myself that every time I had a contraction it was one less to go!


I stayed super calm, positive and created a nice chill environment, having a laugh with midwives and trusting my body to do what it needed to!