Affirmations are an important, and I believe, often underrated, part of hypnobirthing.
They are a great way to deal with fears head on.
There are three main rules for affirmations, they should be positive, present tense and personal. Often the third part is neglected, I know it’s easier to listen to an affirmation track, but it’s good to reflect on whether the ones you’re working with are a good fit for you.
Sometimes when your plans change some of the affirmations you were working with don’t fit. Here are some of my favourite affirmations for induction, but I do encourage you to create your own that resonate with you.
š I am prepared for the birth journey me and baby need
š I confidently use my voice throughout my birth experience
š I make the best choices for me and baby
š I work with my body
š I boost my own oxytocin
š I am safe and well supported
š This is my birth experience
Once you have a few that really feel good for you, you can use them in lots of different ways; you can write them on Post It notes and pop them places you’ll see them. You can recite them out loud, or make yourself a voice memo on your phone of them, yourself or ask your birth partner to read them for you if you prefer.
Tell me your favourite affirmations in the comments.