My waters broke early morning just before my due date. The colour was a nice clear pinkish one, so I went back to bed to relax and called the hospital. No contractions or anything similar followed and I got a little nervous about a possible induction coming. They quickly checked us in the hospital, Baby was absolutely fine on the ctg monitor but unfortunately my cervix was still closed. I was sent home and booked for an induction the next day. I was so anxious, I wanted to give some time for my body to do its job, and was terrified of the thought of an unsuccessful induction resulting in a surgery.

In the evening we went for a big walk and to an indian restaurant with my husband. Things started to happen, I finally felt some period type of pains slowly but regularly and felt so in love with my partner, I thought probably my oxytocin levels started rising, and was really happy about it. When we arrived home the pain was stronger and came more frequently, we went to bed as I tried to relax as much as possible to save some power. By the morning the contractions disappeared completely. I felt terrified again and just skipped my appointment in the morning for the induction. My waters still had a nice colour. We went for a big walk again and had some food and prepared my hospital bag once again and had a shower and went to the hospital in the afternoon. I felt like the hospital staff was nicer than the day before but still not too informative and some of them quite rude. I needed to have a covid test and my partner could come in. My pulse was very high (due to my mental state i think) so I had infusion and some antibiotics. I had the ctg monitor on for hours and hours, it was pretty uncomfortable. In the meanwhile contractions started again and they were quite intense. Thanks God my little girl was in the best condition the whole time.

In the evening at the change of shifts I got a very nice midwife. I felt like an angel just visited me from heaven to help. She was the first one to say some nice words to me in a soothing voice and was really helpful in general. She brought us food, turned off the lights and offered to bring a yoga ball. She measured my pulse again and finally it dropped. What a world of difference a little kindness can mean. She examined me and said i was 1 cm and quite soft. She also did a sweep which I was happy about. She finally put the pessary in ~ 9 pm. Contractions became even closer together almost straight away. We had a walk in the corridor and I tried to relax at the same time. The midwife thought we could be transferred to a delivery room which I was happy about.

The labour was definitely very painful which I thought was a good sign, but I could not have a rest because there was almost no break between the pain. I started to think about pain relief. The pessary fell out in the toilet and when the midwife gave me another one she replied i am still 1-2 cms. I got quite disappointed, I knew I have to spare my power and relax as birth is probably hours or days away. We agreed that pethidine can be a good option as a pain relief. She said it can last up to 6 hours, which I was happy about. As I can move and relax with a bearable pain, whatever i want. I got the injection around 1 pm and felt dizzy straight away, but still felt the pain. In a few minutes I could feel the difference, there was some break inbetween the contractions and I managed to relax deeply lying sideways on the bed. I didn’t have a pillow so we put whatever (jackets, towels) to keep my legs apart. My husband said afterwards that ~ 1 hour passed by but I felt like it was a few minutes. Suddenly I felt what I think was the ring of fire! And the urge to push at the same time. I tried with all my power to not push yet and called the midwife straight away. I wanted to be 1000% that the cord is not in the way. I could not believe that I went from 1 cm to fully dialated so quickly and babygirl is actually coming. The midwife quickly examined me and confirmed she was coming indeed. I was so happy but I actually could not believe it was happening so quickly. I went on my knees as it was my dream/birth plan. I do not remember the pain at all as I became so focused straight away. I felt like an animal because I had to roar, I could not imagine how some women do it silently and I felt like a queen at the same time. It was a very primal and raw experience and I loved being in the centre of attention. Luckily the midwives let me do it as my body lead me.

I think all women in the world are amazing and we are born with the skill to give birth. Our bodies push the baby out by themselves in the correct position. I felt that my whole body is pushing, I could not just “breath” baby out but I definitely felt my diaphragm working which I thought was a good sign. A good half an hour passed and she was born! Thanks God because my knees were really shaking at the end. Her hands were on her face so i had a little 2nd degree tear but no internal damage at all. She was so perfect! No purple colour, no cone shaped head, no wrinkles. 3425 g and 55 cm. Apgar 10/10. My partner said she looks like a fairy and he had some tears of joy. I felt incredibly happy and a huge emotional relief. Although I was nervous about being sewn beforehand, I almost didn’t feel it at all with the gas and air I could finally try. The midwife just pulled the placenta a little bit and it came out easily straight away and it was in a good condition. Then baby got her vitamin K and we spent the “golden hour” as a new little family together.