I had a super straight forward pregnancy and was due to expect my little boy on the 23rd June 2019. I didn’t get my hopes up too much as I had read it’s very common to go over due with your first baby.

Tuesday the 2nd of July, still no baby. My midwife team called and said they would like to start the induction process and would I be able to make it to the hospital. Off I travelled super excited to meet my baby boy, however I knew this could be a long process.

At 2.30pm on Tuesday the 2nd of July I had a propess put in for 24hrs. They monitored the baby and he was still super happy and active.  At 2.30 on Wednesday the 3rd they checked to see if anything had changed but nothing had.
So they then made the decision to put another propess in for 24hrs.  I was completely fine, happy and enjoying all the rest before my baby arrived. The nurses and midwives were so fantastic and really couldn’t do enough for me.
At 2.30 on Thursday the 4th they checked and I was 1cm dilated so they decided to put a 6hr tablet propess in. I started to contract but unfortunately the contracting stopped early hours of Friday the 5th.  I spoke to a dr at 11.30 and we decided to go to the labour ward where they would try and pop my waters. Soon after popping my waters I started contracting regularly. I got to 4cm and was in quite a lot of pain so opted for a epidural, it was the best thing ever!  I then slept all night through my contractions and into Saturday the 6th of July.  I had baby Harry at 11.28am on the Saturday morning.

The process was long but the process was positive. I’m due to do it all again in May.