If you’re planning or considering induction, especially if you’re 40 weeks or more, one of the things you’re probably on high alert for is signs of labour! I remember Googling every tiny thing, hoping to see one of the signs!

So if you’re searching “How will I know when I’m in labour?” you definitely aren’t alone! 

While everyone’s labour experience is unique, there are some common signs that indicate the onset of labour, and some that may indicate it. Here are some signs of labour to look out for:

  1. Contractions: Contractions are the most well-known sign of labour, this is kind of an obvious one, but sometimes it’s hard to tell if it’s early contractions or Braxton hicks. They are characterised by a tightening sensation in the abdomen, which comes and goes. In the early stages of labour, contractions may feel like menstrual cramps, and they may become more intense and frequent as labour progresses.

  2. Water breaking: Here’s one from the movies! The rupture of the amniotic sac, which contains the baby and amniotic fluid, is another sign of labour. This is commonly referred to as “water breaking.” It can happen in a sudden gush or a slow leak. And sometimes it’s hard to tell if it’s amniotic fluid or some leaking urine from baby putting a lot of pressure on the bladder!

  3. Bloody show: During labour, you may notice a pinkish or brownish discharge, which is referred to as a “bloody show.” This is a sign that your cervix is beginning to dilate and efface, which means it is softening and thinning out in preparation for delivery. This can happen quite a while before active labour though, so it isn’t always a sign that labour is imminent. 

  4. Lower back discomfort: Many people experience lower back discomfort or pressure during early labour. This can be a sign that the baby is descending into the pelvis and getting ready to be born. 

  5. Increased vaginal discharge: As labour approaches, you may notice an increase in vaginal discharge. This is a result of the cervix beginning to dilate and efface.

  6. Nesting instinct: Some experience a sudden burst of energy and a desire to clean and organise their home just before labour begins. This is known as the “nesting instinct” and is thought to be a natural preparation for the arrival of the baby. This can happen a while before labour too though!

  7. An Upset Stomach: In some cases, you may experience things like nausea, diarrhoea, and vomiting before labour begins. This is thought to be a result of hormonal changes in the body.

It’s important to note that not everyone will experience all of these signs of labour, and some women may not experience any signs at all before labour begins. However, if you do notice any of these signs, it could be that your body is getting ready for labour.

In summary, the signs of labour can vary, but there are some common signs to look out for. If you’re unsure whether you’re in labour, you’re definitely not alone, most people experience that “Is this really it” feeling!