As a massive hypnobirthing fan (and hypnotherapist) I love affirmations, they are a great way to boost your positivity and confidence which are both important in labour but I believe this is especially important when preparing for induction.

When I was preparing for my induction I loved listening to the affirmations, here are my 10 favourites for induction of labour.

I feel confident and safe

I am making positive choices for me and my baby

I am deeply relaxed

I breathe up with each surge of my body

I am supported

I breathe calmly and comfortably

I am strong

I can do this, I am doing this

I am prepared for whatever path this birth takes

I look forward to meeting my baby

Most of these are suitable for any birth, but I selected affirmations that remind me of the strength in making a decision about induction, and being prepared for changes in plan, I also love to have an affirmation that reminds us that baby is coming too.

If there’s something particular that is worrying you, you can create an affirmation related to it to give you a confidence boost. For me this was I feel confident and safe which is why it’s top of the list, it’s what I needed to hear most.

What are your favourite affirmations?